His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him 他的妻子作为他的从犯被判入狱7年。
He faced imprisonment for contempt of court. 他因藐视法庭面临监禁。
No parole shall be granted to recidivists or criminals who are sentenced to more than 10 years of imprisonment or life imprisonment for crimes of violence such as homicide, explosion, robbery, rape and kidnap. 对累犯以及因杀人、爆炸、抢劫、强奸、绑架等暴力性犯罪被判处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,不得假释。
As the indictment waiver with the bank put it: Credit Suisse has been accused of an offence punishable by imprisonment for more than one year. 瑞信放弃申请陪审团起诉的文件(indictmentwaiver)中写道:瑞士信贷被指控犯有罪行,可判处一年以上监禁。
Then, in 1869, imprisonment for debt was abolished and bankruptcy introduced. 最后,在1869年,因债入狱被废止,破产机制被引入。
Prosecutors have asked for life imprisonment for the pair accused of murdering British student Meredith Kercher in Italy. 公诉人请求判处在意大利谋杀英国学生梅雷迪思·克尔彻的凶手无期徒刑。
Two co-defendants were each sentenced to two weeks imprisonment for furnishing false information in applying for a loan from a finance company. 同案另外两名被告向一间财务公司提供虚假资料以申请贷款,各被判入狱两个星期。
The offender is liable on conviction to a fine of$ 10,000 and to imprisonment for three months. 违例者一经定罪,可被罚款一万元及监禁三个月。
The person convicted shall be liable to imprisonment for life. 被定罪的人可身禁。
In law of Qin dynasty, the debt slaves system was abolished, while a system of imprisonment for debt was established, and this practice has continued to modern times. 在秦律中,债务奴隶制度虽然被废除了,但却建立起了债务监禁制度,这种做法一直延续到近代。
He was a robber, imprisonment for one year, and never no one would watch him. 他是个抢劫犯,入狱一年了,从来没人看过他。
He was sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and espionage. 他因叛国罪和间谍罪被判无期徒刑。
He could be sentenced to ten years imprisonment for the most serious crime that he committed. 最严重的罪状可能使他被判处十年徒刑。
Journalists will no longer face imprisonment for libel but will be issued with fines instead. 记者不会再因诽谤而入狱,取而代之的是罚款。
They were each sentenced to one year's imprisonment for incitement to commit grievous bodily harm. 他们因煽动严重的人身伤害而各被判入狱1年。
She was sentenced to five years imprisonment for manslaughter. 她因过失杀人被判入狱五年。
A defendant who disobeyed could be punished by fine or imprisonment for contempt of court until compliance. 被告如果不遵守判决,将会被处以罚金或因蔑视法庭而被判处入狱,直到其服从为止。
An unemployed man was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment for threatening a woman with injury to her person with intent to alarm her. 一名无业男子,威胁会伤害一名女子,意图向她发出警告,被判入狱六个星期。
In many states, the punishment for a felony is imprisonment for at least one year. 在许多州,这种重罪的惩罚为至少一年的关押(监禁)。
Jean got life imprisonment for killing the policeman. 简因杀害那个警察被判处无期徒刑。
Judge Hoffman sentenced all the defendants and their counsel to terms of imprisonment for contempt of court. 法官霍夫曼以蔑视法庭罪判处所有被告和他们的辩护人有期徒刑。
Liz Allen, she's facing imprisonment for exposing these murderers. 莉斯•艾伦就是因为揭露那些凶手而面临监禁。
Three of them were sentenced to imprisonment for life. 他们中三个被判处无期徒刑。
Gave the child a spanking; was given life imprisonment for the crime. 打孩子的屁股;因犯罪而判终身监禁。
In 1990 and 1991, there was a total of 24 wardens and guards sentenced to imprisonment for this crime. 1990年和1991年共有24名监管工作人员因此被判处有期徒刑。
But those who commit the crimes, provided that this law stipulates a minimum sentence of less than a three-year fixed-term imprisonment for such crimes, may not be dealt with. 但是按本法规定的最高刑为三年以下有期徒刑的,可以不予追究。
He deserved long imprisonment for his many misdeeds. 鉴于所犯下的种种罪行,他理应判处长期监禁。
It became obsolete with the virtual abolition of imprisonment for debt in1880. 随着1880年负债监禁的彻底废除,它就失去了效用。
The same year, naturalised US citizen Xue Feng was sentenced to eight years 'imprisonment for gathering intelligence and unlawfully sending state secrets abroad after helping his US employer buy a commercial database on Chinese oil resources. 同一年,美国公民薛峰被判处8年有期徒刑,罪名是收集情报和向国外非法提供国家机密,帮助美国雇主购买有关中国石油资源的商业数据库。